When Braven & his big sis Brynlee came to my Isanti, MN studio for his newborn portrait session, preciousness ensued!! And can we talk about those sibling shots for a sec? Oh my heart!! Brynlee was so sweet & attentive to her new baby brother. The look on his little face really says it all! Did you know that you should try to book your newborn session at about 30-32 weeks gestation? This will ensure your due date on my calendar. Newborn portrait sessions are of course more involved & longer than your typical portrait session so I only take on a limited number of sessions each month. I do this so that each of my clients gets the absolute best service I can give them! A newborn portrait session with me typically lasts around 3 hours. This gives us plenty of time for changes & feedings as baby needs. Mom & Dad get to relax & sometimes even nap in my comfy sitting area! My sessions are also baby led. What this means is that I will never force your little one into a position. The safety & the comfort of your tiny new bundle are my top priority! I also take the guess work out of your session as I provide all wardrobe & props for baby. I do always encourage my clients to bring in one special item that they would like to incorporate into their session too! This is such a special time for your family. I really feel so honored when my clients choose me to create these beautiful, heirloom images of their littlest & newest additions!